Dulce Amor Capítulo 3 : Synopsis-The story of three sisters in trouble, a candy factory to bankruptcy and a driver that their lives will change everything. The sisters Bandi, who owned a candy factory famous faces one of his worst moments. Victoria (Carina Zampini), cold and bitter, is leading the company and is the bride, to make matters worse, the man who does nothing but work for the empire falls (Second CERN).
Dulce Amor Capítulo 3 : In the chapter on Wednesday, Lorenzo (Second Cernadas) is angry because his plan to kidnap Victoria (Carina Zampini) failed even before her, pretends to be worried. Meet Mark (Sebastian Estevanez), the new driver, whom he has confidence.
Julian (John Darth), meanwhile, supports a lance advances Natacha (Calu Rivero) and begins to see a facet of it that moves you.In the mansion Bandi, meanwhile, produces the dreaded Bandi reunion between the sisters, Victoria and Natasha and jump explosively Victoria's claim about the waste that was his sister. Dulce Amor Capítulo 3
Dulce Amor Capítulo 3 : In the chapter on Wednesday, Lorenzo (Second Cernadas) is angry because his plan to kidnap Victoria (Carina Zampini) failed even before her, pretends to be worried. Meet Mark (Sebastian Estevanez), the new driver, whom he has confidence.
Julian (John Darth), meanwhile, supports a lance advances Natacha (Calu Rivero) and begins to see a facet of it that moves you.In the mansion Bandi, meanwhile, produces the dreaded Bandi reunion between the sisters, Victoria and Natasha and jump explosively Victoria's claim about the waste that was his sister. Dulce Amor Capítulo 3
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